At this year’s JCK Retail Experience Pavilion, Augmented Reality, Mobile Technology and Next Generation Digital Shopping Platform reached the “Tipping Point” of success.
The Jewelry Industry leader, AUGMENTes has it all figured out when it comes to the next generation of shopping. With digital commerce sky rocketing, it is even more important for companies to stay on top of this industry trend or they will lose contact with millennials. These shoppers are impulse buyers who do their shopping research online before going to the brick and mortar stores to complete a purchase.
Many believe brick and mortar stores are dying. This is not the case as the new dynamic is for consumers to pre-shop online before going to the store. Vendors who do not recognize this trend will be left behind to bemoan their loss of sales and store traffic to digital commerce
Those in the know understand that it is the new marriage of brick and mortar stores with digital and social media commerce that is today’s only path to retail success.